Mission and Ministries

Adult Bible Study

Meets weekly after worship service September-May.

Sunday School

Preschool and school aged children are welcome to join us for Sunday school following worship service September-May.


Each summer St. Paul’s sponsors a Vacation Bible School. Join us for VBS for children age 4 and up. Pre-registration is optimal but NOT REQUIRED. Dates will be announced as early as possible.

Hand Bells

Fun and music fellowship! St. Paul’s hand bell choir began Christmas of 2013. Since that time we have been praising the Lord with a joyful noise and joyful hearts.


The women of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League are always busy. They meet monthly from September –May. Their activities include LWML Sunday, Bingo at the Golden Valley Manor each month September-May, quilting, and coordinating funeral meals.

Other ministries at St. Paul’s:

  • Witnessing to travelers with the Interstate Cross. The original cross was erected along Highway 10 on a member’s land to remind travelers of Jesus’ sacrifice for man. After Interstate 94 was completed a second cross was placed in a location visible from the interstate. Both crosses remain and are maintained by members of St. Paul’s.
  • The congregation participates with the Stateline Ministerial Association Food Bank, serving those in need in the community.
  • The annual Golden Valley Manor Spaghetti Supper provides and night of fundraising and fun with a traditional spaghetti supper and pie and goodie auction to follow. All proceeds raised go to the assisted living facility.
  • Christmas party and caroling at the Manor is a holiday tradition for many member s of St. Paul’s. All ages participate in singing and Christmas Goodies.